Friday, November 22, 2013

Sadness ...... and guilt


Sadness because Neal’s sister-in-law is about to enter hospice care.  She’s spent the last year battling cancer. What a rotten turn of events. 

Guilt because while she’s been suffering through multiple surgeries and other horrible physical indignities, I’ve been sailing along through my chemo with nothing more than a few annoying side effects.  I’d accept a heavier load if it would ease hers just a little. 

I know that life is not fair.  But wouldn’t it be great if it was just a little more fair than it is.


1 comment:

  1. No need to feel guilty. Most of us would willingly sacrifice ourselves to save our loved ones.

    Our individual experiences are entirely personal. Some are easier, some more challenging. When we are blessed with a lighter burden, we have extra strength which we can then share with others and bless them. Pay it forward - pass it on.
