Saturday, September 14, 2013

Final surgery is done

Friday’s surgery went well but I didn’t get to go home immediately after.  There were two procedures: simple mastectomy on the right side and had an infusion port (for chemo) implanted on the left side.
My surgeon had me stay at the hospital overnight because he was expecting that I’d be in significant pain.  So they hauled me upstairs and set me up with a morphine pump through my IV.

I never used it.  The area involved in the surgery was completely numb.  In fact as I write this more than 24hours after the surgery, it is still numb so I’m still having no pain.  Be nice if it would stay that way for a few days.

So this morning I waited eagerly for the Doc to do his rounds and officially discharge me.  I waited and I waited.  My nurse said that sometimes he comes late on Saturdays.  By 2:30 this afternoon, Neal called the Doc to see what was up.  Turns out he’d had an emergency this morning that tied him up for a few hours.  So he finally gave the go-ahead for my discharge. 

Hanging around a hospital room when you don’t need to be there is not fun.

It sure is nice to be home.

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