Had a consultation this morning with my Radiation
Oncologist(RO). I like her! She seems to
be really on top of things and she gave me very clear descriptions and
explanations of everything.
She uses Tomotherapy which is relatively new. Wikipedia has a good section on it here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tomotherapy
which includes a photo of the equipment.
Radiation won’t begin until after chemotherapy is complete.
I’m a happy camper today because I feel that I have a very
good team of Oncologists to get me through this process.
And the RO’s office was able to light a fire under my
surgeon’s RN to get the next surgery scheduled.
This RN who I’ll just call “S” has an attitude problem – she is
imperious: seems to feel that she’s the boss in that office and that includes
being boss of his patients. When I spoke to S on Friday afternoon and said that I
figured that the mastectomy and the port installation could be done at the same
time, she told me that “we don’t do that”.
For one thing, the mastectomy will be on my right side and the port will be put on my
left side. I mentioned that my whole
body will be available during the surgery.
She then told me that it would be at least Wednesday (day after tomorrow) before she could
even talk to the doctor to discuss scheduling the surgery.
When I told the RO that the surgery was not yet scheduled,
she got her staff deal with it.
Surgery will be on Friday (the 13th) and will
include both procedures.
In S’s defense, however, the RO did tell me that many times
insurance companies will not pay for both when two procedures are done at once.
That floored me! What kind of lame
bureaucrat thinks that it is better to incur cost on two separate occasions
when one could be eliminated by performing multiple procedures!! If there’s any logic there, it escapes me.
Anyway, that’s one more item checked off the to-do list.
That's great news that surgery will be this Friday - much less waiting - and for both procedures. It's a good thing you mentioned "S" to your RO. And the insurance thing? That is just plain ridiculous! No wonder insurance costs are skyrocketing.
I would suspect that insurance costs are sky rocketing because the medical industry has learned how to "milk the system". The more billable costs you have the more payment you get from (whichever agency).