Thursday, September 19, 2013

Post-Op exam ---- and some bureaucrat bashing

Saw my surgeon for the post-op exam. He says everything is looking good. The pathology report indicates no residual malignancy.  Made me very happy.

Your tax dollars at work:
Additionally, he told me that the pile of paper I got when I was discharged from the hospital is a Medicare requirement.  A hospital is obliged to present all of this “educational” material.  If the hospital does not comply, they risk losing payment from Medicare.  Some committee of bureaucrats has decided that I need education on quitting smoking even though I don’t smoke. 

There was a “Teaching Sheet” for each of my over-the-counter medications such as Glucosamine and multivitamins.  Each one has an opening paragraph that is nothing but a disclaimer stating that the sheet is a summary only and does not substitute for the advice of a physician.  Then the rest of the sheet is BLANK.

There should have been a top sheet explaining how to avoid getting angry over this waste of resources.  That, I could have used.




1 comment:

  1. That's what motivational / self-help speakers are all about: help dealing with all this type of stuff.
